Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

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Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

04 février 2006

Such a chilly, rainy day today. Usually, I would forego heading out to stay inside and watch movies all day, but after having to scrap a major errand, I decided to take advantage of the time to update my checkbook, make a "to buy" list, and head out into the elements to track down a pair of winter boots to keep my toesies nice and toasty.

As part of my "get organized" initiative, I purchased a desk online and I have had the worse time trying to get it delivered. I took Wed off to wait for it, but it never came. The guy at the UPS center claims that the driver came by at 7pm that night. Funny, cuz I was home and the buzzer never rang, and I let homeboy know this. We go back and forth trying to come to some sort of arrangement, that, of course, does not pan out. I’m saying. I told him to have the driver come by after 7pm on Friday, but how about the driver comes by at 2:30pm when I am of course, not home. Nice...

I’ve been waiting for this desk since I ordered it at the end of January. And waiting is not easy for me, and wanting to grow is part of why I wear a bracelet with the letters P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E on it. Patience. It’s part of my mantra for this year, and beyond. I’m a very impatient person who needs a constant reminder that sometimes one has to wait for things to fall into place, to materialize, to run its course. Instant gratification makes it difficult to be patient, and I’m trying to overcome that impulse. When I want something done, I want it done asap. As a result, I’ve had so many projects in my head (and on paper, too, most times) that I wanted to get under way, but never started b/c I wasn’t patient enough to see the beginning steps through to completion.

The book I’ve been reading has made a HUGE difference in how I will approach a project I want to complete, and it’s helped me to recognize some internal barriers that have gotten in the way of my progress. Slowly, I’m working on overcoming these barriers.

I realized today that I need to let go of my angst about getting this desk, and quickly. As crazy as it has been making me these last few days, I really need to use this time to get prepared. Even though I’ve chosen my work area, I have yet to clear it out and get it ready to set everything up. It can be pretty frustrating when the plans you make take unexpected, unwanted turns. I’m trying to learn to be flexible and take these detours in stride.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Perhaps things fall into place once you are ready for them to happen. Step 1 was to take the iniative to order the desk. Step 2 was to prepare for it. And step 3 is get it and set it up. Sometimes when you haven't done the first steps the others don't fall into place. That's my Iyanla moment for the day. :)

dim. févr. 05, 12:31:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Organized Noise said...

So . . . you have a "Get Organized" initiative this year . . . hmmmmm . . . I like the sound of that . . . please tell me more and let me know how I can be of service. ;-P

mer. févr. 08, 07:43:00 PM 2006  
Blogger TheAnalyticalCynic said...

Good luck with you organizational mission this year. Thank you also for your comments, don't be a stranger. P.S. Poetry is my savior.

jeu. févr. 09, 02:56:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Issiata said...

Hey, all! I know I've been a little MIA, so I'm catching up....

@Anon: Very good point. Some things just aren't meant to happen until we're ready, and when we are, they just fall right into place. I'm happy to report that the desk is in, up and being put to use. It's a great addition!

@Organized: I'm def on an "organized" kick! Hmmm...there might be some things you could help with...

@Analytical: Thx for stopping by, and for the well wishes. I hope to take things to the next level this year. :) You'll hear from me again, and hopefully, I'll have some poetry for you to sample in the near future.

dim. févr. 19, 06:35:00 PM 2006  

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