Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

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Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

01 septembre 2005

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Gonna Be Somethin' Else

Call me suspicious, maybe even a little paranoid, but with the way my morning has gone so far, I have to wonder if there is some larger conspiracy out there determined to ruin my day. A classic C-O-N-spiracy! Or maybe just a little left-over angst from last night (long but short story) spilling into my morning, dead set on trying to ruin it. Either way, there is some sort of force is at work here…

One of my roommates attempted to take a shower last night, only to discover that there was no hot water, one, and two, no water coming out of the shower…period. I, for one, am not a fan of ice cold showers, and my roommate wasn’t pleased that she had to forego one that night. She called the super and he promised (and I use that word loosely) to have the boiler fixed by 6 am (since, of course she would be up to take a shower at 6:30am, that would be perfect). Not a problem. Oh, and btw, this call took place at, oh, around 10 ish pm. But, I was still hopeful.

Well, as you may have already guessed, no hot water this morning for any of us! And my other roommate…poor thing…ended up taking an ice cold shower…BBBBBRRrrr!! Man, that girl’s a trooper! But I, on the other hand, had to get cleaned up the “old fashioned” way---the way my grandmother and her mother and probably her mother had to when they were growing up on the farm, or back then, the plantation…I had to boil me some water. I’m sure it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened next.

It wouldn’t have been so bad if my aunt’s cousin hadn’t come to stay w/me for a few days, but in this case, it really just exacerbated the unpleasantness of the situation. When she’s here, it’s harder for me to get up in the morning, I feel a lot more tired, irritable and cranky. So not only was I knocked off schedule due to having to work around the water predicament, my visitor naturally slows me down. And anyone who knows me, even a little bit, knows that my az is already mad slow when it comes to getting a move on. Needless to say, I begin my day quite annoyed. And terra cotta curtains don’t help…

You can imagine that my commute into this glorious city was a pleasant and relaxing ride in…NOT! I missed the 3, which is in my opinion, the best train for a downtown morning commute. I can always find a seat, and I really needed one today. As I walked down into the station, cursing that I’d missed the train (won’t be able to make good time now) this guy I gave my number is holding the hand of the same little girl I’d seen him walking w/some mornings ago (as I had again just missed the train), and he’s trying to speak to me. Too bad for him I am not in the mood to listen to him give me a score of excuses as to why he didn’t call or how he tried to and I didn’t pick up my phone. I was so not in the mood. And who the hell is that little girl, anyway?? I could have sworn when he first met me he said he didn’t have any children. Men are such liars sometimes. I am waiting for what feels like a small forever for this dmn train to come! UGH! There really is no making good time at this point, and all seems somewhat hopeless and lost. The one bright spot, though, I have to say, is that I was able to get a seat on the 2. Talk about small miracles!

By the time I get to 72nd Street, the train is packed, people are taking their sweet az time getting out of the way, so the barrage of folks waiting for this train begin their pilgrimage onto the train. Needless to say I had to bust my way through the crowd and hurry MY az up to get onto the waiting local train. And, of course, people there don’t want to move, either. What a day! And as expected, I am pissed. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I would be, yet for some reason, I still always manage to be surprised when I feel that way. And this isn’t annoyed-pissed; it’s more like waiting-to-kick-somebody’s-az-pissed. Not a good deal.

I end up running into an IT guy who works in my building that I’ve seen in the morning from time to time on our way in to the office. He’s a cool guy, and I have to say that he was pretty adept at assessing my then current state of mind. And I’m sure the look on my face helped w/that. “That good, huh?” he says. “Yeah.” I reply. I cursed myself for being 15 min late, even though that’s not extraordinarily tardy, I just know how people are. The flip side is that fortunately for me and him and everyone else I may have encountered, our brief convo put me in much better spirits. He told me about his trip to ATL to pick up his car, and that inevitably lead to discussing how to avoid NYC traffic tickets. Gotta luv’em!

Things try to take a return for the worse when the microwave in the kitchen area decides not to work (today of ALL days!), even after I’d reset the outlet and the clock on the thing, and everything. What’s so bad about a sista wanting a warm pop-tart this time? (I don’t usually heat it, but this time, I wanted needed that warm and fuzzy feeling. I guess I will just have to settle for some tea.) After the second pop of the reset button, I was done. I grabbed my pop-tart and crept to my desk.

So here I am, hard at work, (no snickering, please...) hoping that the day will brighten up and get better for me. Maybe that tea will do the trick…


Blogger Fresh said...

bad day bluze. I hope it get better.

jeu. sept. 01, 03:38:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Blah Blah Blah said...

Not laughing...really. I know you though..and you used az and pissed more times than I can count. NOT like you, more like me (minus the F U's and suck) You musta really been 'noid. Hope it got better and your well into your long weekend with everything going smoothly...minus
Home waiting on the call..

lun. sept. 05, 05:04:00 AM 2005  

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