Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

Ma photo
Nom :
Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

29 septembre 2005

Rebirth Is Begun

I don’t know if it’s something in the water, the smog-polluted air or in the antibiotics I’m taking, but I’m feeling pretty optimistic these days. I posted a poem last night b/c I was feeling inspired, and I’m still experiencing the afterglow. My night at home was uneventful, but in a good way. I had what I’ll call “dinner” then relaxed with a book for the rest of the night. Thanks to the handy dandy medication I have to take four times a day, I figured out that from the time I wake in the morning until I go to sleep, I have a 15-hour day. I also figured out that my bedtime will be 10:00 pm. There will be exceptions to this, of course, but now I have a guideline.

Those who know me pretty well may have already guessed or have sensed that I like structure. While I don’t always adhere to it, I like it being in place for when things are beginning to run amok. I complained to my friends about things being “off” last week. My diet (as in the food I eat, not diet-diet, lol) has consisted of things I either don’t eat very often or had stopped eating, for the most part. Not a good look. Then, I wasn’t sleeping well. Stress is also a part of the equation, but my mattress plays a role, too. Been needing to correct that for a So...I am quite excited to have something of a “schedule”...*giggle* I know it sounds so dorky, but I can’t help myself. Anything that will make my life a little more organized...

Secretly, the underlying value in this is to exert some sort of “control” over my life...muah ha ha ha haaa...*rubbing hands*