Do You Have What It Takes To BE?

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable requires two things: TRUST and COURAGE
Either you have to trust that the other person is sincere and wouldn’t intentionally hurt you, or...complete trust in your own ability to cope with the consequences, whatever they may be, of allowing yourself to be vulnerable. And the courage to make that leap...
I don’t trust too many ppl these days. I’ve been betrayed way too much, so I tend to keep my guard up with everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are. There are maybe four ppl who mean more to me than the whole world, and while those ppl don’t know everything about me, I share more w/them than anyone else. God is the only One who knows all...even the things I don’t admit to myself...
But like any other person, I also long to be able to share the depths of my self w/someone, to have that soul connection w/another. It gets lonely having to carry every care, worry and weight by yourself. It gets weary. But not everyone is meant to be trusted. There are ppl out there who will use your vulnerability against you for their own benefit...manipulate you to further their agenda.
Maybe I masquerade as a cynic pretending to be a realist, but is really an optimist at heart, lol Who knows. But I know that no matter how much I might scoff at the idea of letting someone get that close to me, inside I long for that very be naked to someone and feel safe, understood and protected.
Deep inside, we all want that whether we have the courage to admit it or not.
In case you were wondering:
BIG DOG: Always have the courage to say what you think...
LIL DOG: Idiot.
Definitely an issue I have been dealing with lately and hopefully will one day overcome. Its really about letting down the defenses as you stated. They really don't protect you because you wind up hurt whether you open up or not. Thought provoking piece - as usual. Good to see you writing regularly again.
Berry, I am w/you. I am also seeking more balance in my approach, and to disarm myself to those who prove trustworthy. Glad you enjoyed...
Nice photo, btw... :)
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