Pass The Rose-Tinted Glasses, Please

This morning I did something that I am usually not able to do---get out of the house on time! Even had a chat w/one of my roommates, and was still able to make it out of the door on schedule. Definitely a feat for me.
Well, everything goes as it always does, except this time, I’m not overwhelmed with the anxiety I feel when I’m late, lol. So, I’m feeling good until I step foot on the train. At first I didn’t know why this particular thing bothered me so much, but I have to say that I became quite pissed.
There was a man sitting on the end to my left, by the door, and he had his leg crossed in the man’s version of crossing your legs. Not knees over one another, but with his left ankle on his right knee. I nearly bumped into his foot. I mean, it was all out in the walkway of the train, and that really annoyed the hell out of me. I sat opposite him, and the more I watched him w/his leg crossed, reading his paper, chillin’, the more my annoyance churned into pissivity.
My first thought: How fcking rude to just have your leg propped up and your foot all out in the way like that.
Second thought: Who the hell does this guy think he is being in the way all like that???
Third thought: This fool is NOT at home in his fcking living room!!!
I will admit that I’m prejudiced. I don’t necessarily like that about myself, but I realize what is true. Most people are prejudiced on some level, to some degree about something. Yet, no one can disagree that white men have been, and very often still are, notorious for creating and perpetuating the systematic oppression of ppl of color and the poor. And like a lot of ppl I know, there is the sentiment that no matter where a wht person goes, they walk about like they own the place. And the way things are going, they will eventually own all our places too. I strive to be one of those ppl who sees these things out from dimly smoky colored glasses. It's the only way to see through the blinding light of the subtle face of racism, class-ism and sexism.
So my mind is spinning as I think about how Harlem is changing and I feel angry, sad and helpless all at once.
Well, everything goes as it always does, except this time, I’m not overwhelmed with the anxiety I feel when I’m late, lol. So, I’m feeling good until I step foot on the train. At first I didn’t know why this particular thing bothered me so much, but I have to say that I became quite pissed.
There was a man sitting on the end to my left, by the door, and he had his leg crossed in the man’s version of crossing your legs. Not knees over one another, but with his left ankle on his right knee. I nearly bumped into his foot. I mean, it was all out in the walkway of the train, and that really annoyed the hell out of me. I sat opposite him, and the more I watched him w/his leg crossed, reading his paper, chillin’, the more my annoyance churned into pissivity.
My first thought: How fcking rude to just have your leg propped up and your foot all out in the way like that.
Second thought: Who the hell does this guy think he is being in the way all like that???
Third thought: This fool is NOT at home in his fcking living room!!!
I will admit that I’m prejudiced. I don’t necessarily like that about myself, but I realize what is true. Most people are prejudiced on some level, to some degree about something. Yet, no one can disagree that white men have been, and very often still are, notorious for creating and perpetuating the systematic oppression of ppl of color and the poor. And like a lot of ppl I know, there is the sentiment that no matter where a wht person goes, they walk about like they own the place. And the way things are going, they will eventually own all our places too. I strive to be one of those ppl who sees these things out from dimly smoky colored glasses. It's the only way to see through the blinding light of the subtle face of racism, class-ism and sexism.
So my mind is spinning as I think about how Harlem is changing and I feel angry, sad and helpless all at once.
Then, I thought: What's so wrong w/this guy just relaxing and enjoying his paper?
I stepped back for a second to wonder whether things really could be that simple. I don't think so. They never really are.
Yeah, it's gets pretty depressing at times. Big up to you for understanding and interjecting a positive note. Hopefully we will reclaim what's rightfully ours...
When you are in charge, you do tend to take an expansionist view of things--be it space on the train or borders with neighboring countries. Sometimes the offense is intentional; sometimes not.
I feel you because I have had similar situations. Like a white man getting into the elevator with one bag in his hand and expecting me to push the button for him. I had stuff in my hand too. Plus, I was in a pissy mood so I gave him a look and sucked my teeth. Terrible, I know. It takes little energy to push a button. He probably meant no harm. But as you said, things are never that simple.
My reaction would have been similar to yours. Why should he expect you to do something for him that he could've easily done himself?
There are a lot of people who act out of their prejudices w/out even realizing it.
But that is no excuse.
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