This Is IT, I Promise!! LOL

A friend of mine was invited to an (art) opening, and I very casually invited myself along. (so casually that she thinks she invited me, lol) We hung out for a bit at the spot where she is having a bday party w/one of her friends, talking a Scotsman and a black guy. They were something else! The black dude watches a lot of TV so he and I had a lot to discuss, and once the Scotsman realized I knew who Dan Brown was, he couldn’t stop telling me how much he enjoyed his books. “Remember to read Angels and Demons first...” He actually read The Da Vinci Code twice. I certainly hadn’t seen that coming! But good for him. Especially since he’s not much of a reader. I’m sold.
Well, me and my friend hopped a cab to head over the opening, and filled each other in on our lives on the way. We hadn’t hung out since the Party (and yes, I asked about those damn pictures! Demanded, even...), so there was much to discuss. As we approached our destination, we heard loud music, and my friend starts screaming, and nearly pushes me out the cab. She runs up the street yelling, “It’s the band! It’s the band!” as I run behind her, bewildered and trying to keep up. Well, once we made our way to the crowd, I understood what was up. The artist had hired the Malcolm X Shabazz School band to perform, and believe me when I tell you they were killin’ it!! High school kids, mind you. It’s a shame they can look so grown up so young. All the percussionists were freakin’ it, the trumpet players were freakin’ it, and the two drum majors were definitely freakin’ it.
Well, Kehinde's work is quite amazing! There were four paintings in one large room, and in a smaller space toward the front, there were various sketches and a video being shown of how the painting were drawn, since he used live models and horses. I couldn't help but be impressed with his work.
My friend introduced me to the artists, curators and buyers, and I decided to step outside of myself and initiate conversations with some of the ppl standing close by. I met some very interesting folks, and was glad later that I had done this. After standing about chatting for a while, we decided to head over to the dinner reception.
If I hadn't seen this place with my own two eyes, I would not have believed it could exist. But that's what I love about Manhattan...there are so many hidden treasures in the most inconspicuous places. I don't remember who owned this place, but once you walked up the sets of stairs to the main floor your breathe would be taken away. For all intents and purposes, I would call this place a mansion. It was HUGE!! Man, I wish I could have taken photos! It was absolutely beautiful...
My friend and I ended up sitting w/the artist's mom, sister and his sister's friends. After a while we were all just cracking up and having ourselves a great time. LA was itching to get out and into something, so it ended up that the group was going to a place called Chichiz. This was the first black gay bar I'd ever been to, and it ended up being some of what I expected, but more of what I didn't expect. The food was great, the music was good, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. I'd already met and talked to most of the ppl who were there, so it was nice to mix and mingle in a more close setting. Our group took over a huge area by the wall, and everyone talked, drank and danced. The straight bar boy (he wasn't a bartender, so I'm not sure what his job is called) didn't believe that 3 of us were the ages that we were, and he couldn't get enough of my friend. And he was a cutie, too! The only downside for is that he was young as hell! lol The last remnants of us got kicked out around 4am, and by then, they were ready for us to go. And made no bones whatsoever about letting us know.
Everyone stood outside the bar, and we made our goodbyes, and I hopped a cab w/a couple the artists I met who were heading uptown. I didn't get home until 4:30, and I slept until almost noon the next day. But, I had fun like I haven't had in a long, long time!!
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