Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

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Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

21 décembre 2006


I wanted to share the wishes and thoughts one of my dearest and closest friends sent that touched me...


What's Up My People: CAN U BELIEVE '06 is almost out the door?!?!?!?! ...

I pray that the Holidays are full of loving hugs, good food, and hope for whatever you want to manifest in your life to be a reality or at least one less step away in the New Year.

I don't *really* do New Year's resolutions. I have certain themes for each year, not knowing the form they will take through the passing months. My theme is Divinely chosen because I listen as the year comes to an end and take a mental inventory of the months before.

This year I encourage you to do the same ... Just take a few moments in the next week or so and listen in your quiet time, or rather your alone time, be it driving in the car or even taking a shower.

I Divinely began this tradition in 2003. That year's theme was "transitions." I felt in my spirit that a huge event would happen in my life that would catapult me into an unexpected realm of *newness* and I would transition in a significant way. Sure enough events of that ENTIRE year symbolized grand transitions that changed my life forever in all respects, redifining my existence in magnificent ways.

So, I share this with you as a thought for a way to approach your new years, not just '07. Let '07 be the starting point. The key to this process is listening to that Divine voice inside of you and seeing how things will manifest. Of course, because life is what it is, the process isn't always warm and fuzzy. We are humans and within the *process* is a balance of good and bad [challenges] in order to blossom at the end. It ain't all rosy (0:

Enjoy your Holiday and the New Year ahead. Good luck in determining your theme for '07...

Love and hugs your way, always.

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Blogger VerseOne said...

i share your view on the use of resolutions, and how and when we should implement them into our lives. good to see someone sharing that.


mar. janv. 09, 07:38:00 AM 2007  

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