What's Your Take?
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..."
Hosea 4:6
You’ve probably heard this in church from pastors or from social activists or other such “liberated” or free-minded people. I know I have. And not just from these folks, but this as a phrase floating around, being bandied about as an idea, statement or prophecy. Others may know it by way of the phrase “Knowledge is Power” or “Knowledge is Key.”
Knowledge. According to dictionary.com, there are several types of knowledge including actual, constructive, personal and superior knowledge.
The main entry describes knowledge as a: awareness or understanding esp. of an act, a fact, or the truth or b: awareness that a fact or circumstance probably exists. And don’t overlook the “note” to this definition: “Knowledge fundamentally differs from intent in being grounded in awareness rather than purpose.”
Knowledge. According to dictionary.com, there are several types of knowledge including actual, constructive, personal and superior knowledge.
The main entry describes knowledge as a: awareness or understanding esp. of an act, a fact, or the truth or b: awareness that a fact or circumstance probably exists. And don’t overlook the “note” to this definition: “Knowledge fundamentally differs from intent in being grounded in awareness rather than purpose.”
Truly, knowledge by itself is not enough, but the lack of it destroys people. But is it better to have some than none? I would say yes and no. I believe that Hosea is referring to knowledge of God, but I can see superior knowledge, which is defined as 1: knowledge greater than that possessed by another; especially : awareness of a condition or fact that affects another who was not aware of it and 2 : the range of one's information, understanding, or expertise being a part of that "knowing" as well.
We all have varying opinions about the state of the black community and its ills and what we believe are both the underlying and blatant causes for our problems. Some think that it’s the “Man”, also known as the white man, holding us back. That he don’t want to give us no job and don’t want us to have nothing. That “he” is keeping us in the ghettos. Others disagree that we are holding ourselves back, that anything can be achieved through hard work, long study and perseverance; that we just need to stop being so lazy, get off our asses and do something (work hard, study long and persevere) about our circumstances.
Our issues and circumstances as a people are so complex and deeply embedded in our collective psyche that there can’t be just one answer or one solution for what we have experienced and what we currently face. What if everything everyone is saying is right? What if our problem is the sum of all these things, versus this thing OR that thing? Hmmm...what if...
Consistently we find ourselves behind the 8 ball, reacting to the things that happen to us. And in instances where we are proactive and ahead of the game, there is a roadblock which derails our progress and knocks us off track. Who wouldn’t be apathetic, discouraged and unmotivated after experiencing this time and time again? Some wouldn’t; they would keep pressing forward trying to get around the obstacles, but many would be completely immobilized.
This life is about more than simply living day to day, struggling to get by or about just having information alone. Superior knowledge is awareness of a condition or fact that affects another who was not aware of it. Seem familiar? Mmm...let’s see...Jim Crow, COINTELPRO, Trilateral Commission, the influx of crack cocaine, AIDS/HIV, etc., etc. And there are others. We don’t see shit coming until is up on us and we’re caught up in the midst of it, and this lack of knowledge is part of why this happens to us time and time again. Knowledge greater than that possessed by another...
Our issues and circumstances as a people are so complex and deeply embedded in our collective psyche that there can’t be just one answer or one solution for what we have experienced and what we currently face. What if everything everyone is saying is right? What if our problem is the sum of all these things, versus this thing OR that thing? Hmmm...what if...
Consistently we find ourselves behind the 8 ball, reacting to the things that happen to us. And in instances where we are proactive and ahead of the game, there is a roadblock which derails our progress and knocks us off track. Who wouldn’t be apathetic, discouraged and unmotivated after experiencing this time and time again? Some wouldn’t; they would keep pressing forward trying to get around the obstacles, but many would be completely immobilized.
This life is about more than simply living day to day, struggling to get by or about just having information alone. Superior knowledge is awareness of a condition or fact that affects another who was not aware of it. Seem familiar? Mmm...let’s see...Jim Crow, COINTELPRO, Trilateral Commission, the influx of crack cocaine, AIDS/HIV, etc., etc. And there are others. We don’t see shit coming until is up on us and we’re caught up in the midst of it, and this lack of knowledge is part of why this happens to us time and time again. Knowledge greater than that possessed by another...
I'm not finished with this, but I'll close with: It's time to get ahead of the game.