Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

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Nom :
Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

30 novembre 2006

LIFE Is Fluid As Life Is

The other day I was in this mad dash to leave work exactly on time to head home. What I didn’t realize was that I would be in the midst of the evening rush and it would be as bad as it was at that time. So to counteract that, I’m going to stay a bit longer and post.

I probably have like five posts in me that I haven’t made, but hadn’t felt inclined to make over the past few weeks. Sometimes it’s just like that. I didn’t feel like being bothered. But today, I feel inspired, and will try to keep this to a couple “subjects” and save the rest for other posts.

HOMECOMING: Oct. 26 – 29th

I was in Atlanta to celebrate my line’s anniversary, and that was pretty nice. I saw ppl that I haven’t seen since we’d graduated, and got to spend time with the usual suspects…my best friends. The weather was cool, but bearable, and I really enjoyed myself. Although this was my first homecoming since graduation, it wasn’t my first back in HOTlanta. But, it felt a little different this time. I still don’t know why this happened, but I felt and overwhelming yearning to stay. A small part of me could have quit my job–over the phone–and went on about my business, like nothing. Only a small part, though. But, I felt strongly like I did not want to come back, though. And this totally caught me off-guard.


Since I entered a new era and decade in my life, my birthday plans have never been without some sort of drama or mayhem. As hard as I have tried, something has ALWAYS gone wrong, tried to go wrong, or just wouldn’t be anything but wrong. And honestly, I am coming to accept that in hopes that the next decade will be smooth sailing for me. Potentially, my special night started out w/all kinds of challenges that I’m not gonna go into–but those who know, know–and the old me would have just let that get the best of me. So even though things didn’t turn out as I had envisioned (and a portion of that was my own fault), it turned out to be a wonderful night shared with dear friends.

THE HOLIDAYS: Thanksgiving and Christmas

There really isn’t much to tell about Thanksgiving. I hung out nearly every night of the break (from Wednesday to Saturday), even though I was knda under the weather. I decided to tough it out and take care of myself (and let someone else take care of me, too), and I gradually felt better. I’m glad that I did this.

I’m in the process of creating my Christmas list for ‘06. My heart is generous and I want to get everyone I care about something, but as many also know, the heart is willing, but the pocketbook might not be able. But, in my desire to keep with the spirit of giving, I am prioritizing my list and will probably spread gifts out over 3 months. I wasn’t about to go out and get caught up in the Black Friday frenzy and have to hurt somebody b/c ppl want to act like animals in the stores. I’m going to do this at my leisure, and take advantage of any AFTER Christmas sales that I can. One of the things I’d wanted to do more of this year was give, especially to people I care about.

07 novembre 2006


I am really tired today.

This isn’t anything new…but it is how I’m feeling.

I could leave work early to go vote, yet I have no desire to vote. The candidates all seem so fake to me, and I realize that all the scandals, embezzlements, lies and misbehaving of persons in public office have left me pretty jaded.

Certainly, I don’t know any of these people personally, don’t know what they’re like or whether or not they live the values they purport to bring in to office if the constituents vote for them, but c’mon…INTEGRITY is really hard to come by these days.

My attitude could also be affected by the fact that I am exhausted—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually—and worn out, period.

THAT is a whole other story…

03 novembre 2006

Celebrating ME!

I celebrate my birthday on Sunday, and thinking about this takes me back to where I was a year ago…my how things have changed in 12 months, and how some things have remained the same.

True, I have done things this past year that I am not at all pleased with, but I am actually proud of some of them and I feel good about that. This is rare for me. I am not usually one to congratulate or celebrate myself, but when I see for myself (because I am looking) just how far I have come, I’m genuinely elated and grateful.

Only by God’s grace…

Some moments I didn’t think I would make it through or get past, but here I am, still standing. Shit may have knocked me on my tail…for more than a minute…but, here I am…standing. I even did some things I didn't think I would ever be able to do, but I did them. (positive things)

Only by God’s grace…

Yeah, I’ve come a loooooooonnng way, and still have a ways to go, but this is life. I’m looking forward to a couple ventures I have planned ahead, and am really excited about a few goals I have in sight. My list is usually mad long, but now I’m focusing on the top three.

Everything else will fall into place…