Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

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Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

31 août 2006

Listening To Spirit

I sometimes have a love-hate relationship with old adages, but time and time again this wisdom continues to ring true:


To believe that all the things that happen to us in life, no matter how senseless and horrific or beautiful and uplifting, is to believe that they are not coincidental. The key to surviving or relishing the moments, events, and even catastrophies in our lives is to recognize that in everything there is a lesson, and make it our duty to excavate it.

Life is going to happen to us; people are going to come into our lives…always for a reason…sometimes with ppl it's for a season, other times for a lifetime. As I give considerable thought to the people I’ve met, become acquainted with or experienced on some level, each person has, in some way, made a meaningful contribution to my life. There have been times when it just doesn’t seem that way at all. But then I have to take a step back, maneuver out of the emotions I may have been entangled with, and dig for the valuables that lie beneath the surface.

These are the jewels, the minerals, the resources that I can use to shape me into a better person...if I allow them to be catalysts for change that will produce greater attributes and qualities in me as I journey through life. And if I look at things in this light, it's a little easier to discard whatever negativity I might have held on to, while humbling me with gratitude.

I desire to be more open to this truth and to listen more intently to the Spirit as it moves to gently guide follow its quiet insistence rather than resist it.

20 août 2006

I Apologize

Sometimes I say things that I think ppl may find offensive in some way; most of the time, though I worry that I have. I am truly amazed at how some ppl can say whatever it is they want, however they choose to say it, with no kind of remorse, no apologies. Yet, I find myself struggling with guilt and regret that I've said something that will come off in a way I didn't intend.

I know that no one is perfect, but I still can't seem to not feel this way.

Besides the ppl who could really give a fck how they say what they say and the things they say, there are those who say harsh or insensitive things without realizing it. But isn't true expression a glimpse into how someone sees something or someone? Or even themselves? Then there are those who censor everything and are super conscientious about always saying the "right" thing, and never seem to be offensive in any way...always sensitive to everyone. Yet, even with that, they somehow seem inauthentic and unreachable.

So I guess what I want to find is some sort of balance.

I don't want to so often feel regret at not being what I think others think is PC, so to speak. Nobody else is perfect, and neither am I. Yet, I want to feel confident in saying what I feel is genuine and true to me without offending or hurting anyone else or regretting something I've said. I want to be sensitive to other ppl's feelings without being ruled by or obsessed with how a person will view what I say. No one can please everyone (including oneself) in every way, all the time; it's impossible.

But isn't everyone's feelings and interpretations his and her own responsibility? Also his or her sole responsibility?

Still, I feel like we share in the responsibility to take care of and be respectful of each other...

Should there be no apologies for one's personal truth??

16 août 2006

Gone For So Long

Things have been so hectic and crazy for the past couple months. I spent so much time and energy preparing for the cruise, and since the cruise, it's been me and my friend's event. Constant going going going, running here and there, and all the preparation for the things I had to do has had me wound tight and worn out.

No real time to blog or do much of anything else for that matter. Also, hadn't felt much like blogging...

Slowly, life is settling down, and I'm finding my groove and my flow again. My body, mind and spirit can renew, and that's what I want to focus on.

I had a lot of stuff going on even outside of the major happenings I had to plan for, but now, I can refocus, regroup, and reestablish what I'd started before and follow through on the goals I'd set for this year.

It's time to work on, do and be ME.