Usually each September finds me looking at my life and sighing a deep sigh, wondering how I should channel the energy I have and what things I should devote myself to.
Well, last September came and went sooner than I expected, and the new year rung in without my indepth assessment. But, I felt inside that somehow 2006 would be different for me, and that this year would be a year of growth, healing and change. Before the year was over, I jotted down some things as they came to me...
...and here's what I came up with as of December 28, 2005:
Things I Need To Do
Create and stick to a budget & spend wisely
Stop being so lazy and procrastinating
Stay in better touch w/family & friends
Exercise/work out
Study French
Get and stay organized
Be less afraid of the truth
Discover my style
Write more (which is why I have a BLOG, lol!)
Take better care of myself
Speak up for myself
Stop allowing people to take advantage of or manipulate me
Try new things
Figure out my next steps re: my career
Take vitamins
Surprisingly, most of these things have or are coming together and materializing. A part of me wondered when I made this list whether or not I could accomplish what I was setting out to do, to make happen. Initially, it seemed so overwhelming and daunting, but as I put my laundry lists of goals to the back of my mind, it became easier to simply do.
Be like NIKE, and Just Do It.
I have to admit that I'm happy about what I've done so far this year, and am looking forward to how much further I can go. The beauty of it is that I've surprised myself and that pleases me. I still have a lot of work to do in various areas mentioned and some not mentioned here, but I feel so much more confident that I can actually accomplish what I set my mind to.
As I go along, I'm gradually fleshing out each goal and really examining what I want to achieve in each area, and I have to say that reaching 7 out of 15 goals isn't half bad. I'm usually pretty hard on myself and critical of everything I do, so I'm taking a moment to celebrate my milestone and give me a well-deserved pat on the back!