Liberté de Pensée et D'Expression

I am donning the NEW as I reflect and RENEW and become more receptive to the Spirit that lives inside of me. I explore my truth, and resist the temptation to censor myself. I must free my expression and share my TRUTH.

Ma photo
Nom :
Lieu : NYC

Resisting Self Censorship

31 mai 2006

Too Close To Home

I don't know if this has made the news, but there was a pretty bad fire in the apt bldg next to mine. My next door neighbor came and got me and I got my roommate, and we up on the roof. The smoke was unbelieveable, and fire sparking everywhere.

My roomie got some photos, and I'm posting them, though they don't do this incident any justice. I heard from another neighbor on the other side of our bldg who came in from outside and saw some people being taken out. Lord knows I hope they are ok.

Anyway, all this got me thinking about how precarious life can be sometimes. It was good to see NYC's bravest out in full force and acting so quickly, but I still worry b/c you never know and I have to do all I can to keep me and Mr. K safe. Hopefully everyone will take this as a reminder to be every bit as careful as you can be.

I try not to worry, but when stuff like this happens, sometimes you just can't help it. Like I told one of my neighbors, all you can really do is pray...

26 mai 2006

I really should be asleep right now, but I am too hyped up.

One of my best friends from college gets in town 2morrow w/her husband for a wedding this weekend, and I cannot wait to see her! It's been almost a year since I visited her, and this time they are making the journey sans their two beautiful little boys.

We get to hang out like she's single again!!! LOL

Kel is one of the few people who actually gets me and our relationship knows no time or distance. It could be months since our last communique, but it's as if we spoke just last week. She's one of those friends who can just pick up where we left off last, and chat until we've caught up w/each other's lives.

Oh, she is sooo dear to me...and I can't wait to see her and spend time together...

13 mai 2006


09 mai 2006

"My Upbringing Is Not An Excuse...'s an explanation..."

I had a really great conversations w/one of my girls tonight about life, love and family, and I surprised myself. In the course of our discussion, I finally was able to do something that has eluded for years---clearly and accurately articulate my feelings about how I was brought up while living with my aunt and uncle.

Coping with, let alone revealing, the traumas of my childhood has been extremely difficult for me. What a relief to discover and release some of the hurt I've held for such a long time was cathartic and refreshing...

...a wonderful gift that took me completely by surprise...

The way I was treated growing up will not be an excuse for bad decisions, but the answers I need to heal, change and grow.

07 mai 2006

Almost Mid-Year Check Up

Usually each September finds me looking at my life and sighing a deep sigh, wondering how I should channel the energy I have and what things I should devote myself to.

Well, last September came and went sooner than I expected, and the new year rung in without my indepth assessment. But, I felt inside that somehow 2006 would be different for me, and that this year would be a year of growth, healing and change. Before the year was over, I jotted down some things as they came to me...

...and here's what I came up with as of December 28, 2005:

Things I Need To Do
Create and stick to a budget & spend wisely
Stop being so lazy and procrastinating
Stay in better touch w/family & friends
Exercise/work out
Study French
Get and stay organized
Be less afraid of the truth
Discover my style
Write more (which is why I have a BLOG, lol!)
Take better care of myself
Speak up for myself
Stop allowing people to take advantage of or manipulate me
Try new things
Figure out my next steps re: my career
Take vitamins

Surprisingly, most of these things have or are coming together and materializing. A part of me wondered when I made this list whether or not I could accomplish what I was setting out to do, to make happen. Initially, it seemed so overwhelming and daunting, but as I put my laundry lists of goals to the back of my mind, it became easier to simply do.

Be like NIKE, and Just Do It.

I have to admit that I'm happy about what I've done so far this year, and am looking forward to how much further I can go. The beauty of it is that I've surprised myself and that pleases me. I still have a lot of work to do in various areas mentioned and some not mentioned here, but I feel so much more confident that I can actually accomplish what I set my mind to.

As I go along, I'm gradually fleshing out each goal and really examining what I want to achieve in each area, and I have to say that reaching 7 out of 15 goals isn't half bad. I'm usually pretty hard on myself and critical of everything I do, so I'm taking a moment to celebrate my milestone and give me a well-deserved pat on the back!